Fresh Food Fast: Asiago Kale Salad Kit +Fig Quinoa Bowl Ideas

There’s something about eating fresh veggies and fruit that can make you feel vibrant but sometimes you don’t have the time to pull things together. Enter meal prep and two familiar bagged foods: Asiago Kale Salad Kits and our Orchard Choice or Sun-Maid California Dried Figs. We’ve teamed up with Taylor Farms to bring you a few tips for making fast food fresh. Stay tuned for a warm salad you can prep in advance and that’s as easy as warm within minutes. A New Year typically means getting back to eating well (no cookies at every meal—not that we’re judging!) and we’re looking forward to starting the next decade in a spirit of all foods fit or #TwentyPlenty.

Rethink Bagged Salads

 The Asiago Kale salad kit can easily become the makings of a killer bowl, especially when slices of mission dried figs get added to the mix.

Shop your pantry

Keeping a well-stocked pantry means you don’t have to scramble last minute for takeout or delivery. Instead, here, we’re leaning on quinoa and a can of chickpeas to take our warm salad bowl to the next level!

Spice it up

Frying some garlic before steaming the kale salad mix adds layered flavor. For the crunchy chickpeas, we’re keeping it easy with salt and pepper as the flavorings, but you could add other spices you have on hand (oregano and chile flakes would be good).

Plan ahead

If you’ve never wanted to be in your kitchen all day on Sunday, you don’t have to sacrifice an entire afternoon to do easy meal prep. The recipe below has you working on the different components while the others are cooking so you save time and are productive.

These quinoa bowl ideas aren’t just for New Year’s resolutions. What are some of your ideas for eating well throughout the year?

Get the Warm Fig Asiago Kale Salad Kit Quinoa Bowl Recipe

If you make this recipe, snap a photo and tag us @valleyfig —we’d love to see what you’re cooking on Instagram and Facebook!

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