How to Prepare Figs: De-Stem

In our dried figs basics, we share techniques for how to cook, bake, and prep your favorite Sun-Maid and Orchard Choice California Dried Figs. Today, we’re going to look at how to prepare figs by de-stemming them.

How to De-Stem Figs

Sometimes you will see a recipe call for figs to be “stemmed” or ask you to de-stem the figs. What this means is to remove the tip of the dried fig that had been holding onto the branch. The tip is typically pretty hard and you’ll find that not all of the figs still have it on them in our Sun-Maid zip seal bags and Orchard Choice resealable packages. Here’s two ways for how to prepare the figs, de-stemming them.

Cut It Off

Using a chef knife, slice off the tip of the fig stem and discard. Cut them off one at a time.

Twist It Off

Pick up a dried fig in one hand and with the other hand, twist off the tip of the fig stem and discard.

More Techniques for Using Figs in Cooking and Baking

Check out our whole series of fig basics and see more ways of how to prepare figs for use in baking recipes and for cooking.

If you make this recipe, snap a photo and tag us @valleyfig —we’d love to see what you’re cooking on Instagram and Facebook!

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