Fiber-Rich Fig Recipes
Looking for recipes that provide more fiber? We've analyzed our recipes and identified those that recipes that have 5g or more dietary fiber per main dish serving and 3g or more dietary fiber per serving for side dishes, breads, and desserts.

What You Should Know About The Fiber In Figs
Fiber, or "dietary fiber," is sometimes called "roughage." It's the part of food that can’t be broken down during digestion.

How Much Fiber Do I Need?
Most Americans don't get nearly enough fiber, often consuming less than half of what is recommended.

Simple Ways To Add Fiber With Figs
It's easy and tasty to add fiber to your diet throughout the day with California Dried Figs. A few here, and few there, it all adds up.

Try These Fiber-Rich Fig Recipes
Figs add flavor and fiber to a wide variety of dishes. Our recipes are kitchen-tested and feature California Dried Mission and Golden Figs