California Fig Fritters

valleyfiggrowers@alkalyne.comDesserts, Holidays, Recipes

Fig Fritters

For Hanukkah, make easy holiday desserts like Dried Fig Fritters. Add this sweet treat to your fritter recipes. Here are some pro-tips to get you started.

For Hanukkah, make easy holiday desserts like Dried Fig Fritters. Add this sweet treat to your fritter recipes.

Rehydrate the figs with orange juice. By bringing it to a boil this allows better penetrability in the figs of the steeping liquid. You’ll want to simmer them until they’ve softened. Then, plan on draining them.

Dried figs are a pantry staple that have so many applications—including fig fritters. Golden Figs are slightly nutty and delicately sweet. Mission Figs have a deeper, earthy sweetness to them. Either of them work beautifully in these easy holiday desserts.

Easy Holiday Desserts Demystified

After the figs have rehydrated and drained, whisk milk and egg together in a bowl. In a separate bowl whisk flour, baking powder, and salt. This double step ensures that by dunking the figs in the egg wash first and then the flour is it will adhere well. You’ll fry the fig fritters and then transfer them to a plate with paper towels before moving them to a wire rack to cool for a few minutes. Then, the fritters are dusted generously with confectioners’ sugar. You’ll want to eat them warm.

What are some of your other fritter recipes you enjoy making?

Warm California Fig Fritters

For Hanukkah, heat up a saucepan of oil and skip over all other fritter recipes to make Dried Fig Fritters. They are easy holiday desserts, best served warm.
Fig Fritters



  • Combine figs and orange juice in small saucepan and heat to a boil. Cover and simmer until figs have softened, about 15 minutes. Remove figs from pan; drain well. Whisk milk and egg together. Stir in flour, baking powder and salt until mixture is smooth. Heat oil in heavy deep skillet or saucepan over medium heat until hot enough to sizzle and brown a crust of bread. Using tongs, dip figs into batter, turning to thickly coat. Fry 1 or 2 fritters at a time in hot oil until golden, about 2 minutes per side. Drain fritters briefly on paper towels, then transfer to wire rack and sprinkle generously with confectioners’ sugar. Serve warm.


Recipe source: Fig Heaven© 2011 by Marie Simmons

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