November 2014 Fig Focus
Welcome National Fig Week – November 1-7! November finds California’s fresh fig season winding down and dried fig season on the upswing. Throughout fall and winter, sweet, chewy California Dried Figs are your go to figs—versatile and always available. Dark purple Missions and amber-colored Goldens love to star in holiday recipes and celebrations. Grab a few jars of our new...
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October 2014 Fig Focus
Happy Halloween! Holidays occur throughout the year, but which ones do we look forward to the most? When asked what their favorite holiday is, Americans’ top three choices are Christmas, Thanksgiving and Halloween, in that order. Pumpkin carving is a popular Halloween tradition. Ever wonder if that pumpkin is edible? Eating your jack-o’-lantern isn’t a good idea. However, certain varieties...
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September 2014 Fig Focus
Supercharge September with Lots of Fruits and Veggies! Americans are not alone in needing to eat more fruits and veggies. A recent study in the British Journal of Nutrition found the majority of adults worldwide would have to at least double their current consumption of fruits and vegetables to meet the World Health Organization’s minimum recommendation of five servings per...
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August 2014 Fig Focus
Introducing Orchard Choice California Fig Spreads–Fruit Spreads with Attitude Balsamic Pepper Fig Spread California Orange Fig Spread Port Wine Fig Spread Organic Mission Fig Spread Back to School is Right Around the Corner! It’s been a great summer and now it’s time to get ready for school to start. How about asking the kids which of these three recipes they...
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July 2014 Fig Focus
Too Hot to Cook! We’ve got you covered with some tasty recipes that don’t require turning on the oven. It may be too hot to cook, it’s not to hot to enjoy some great tasting California Fig dishes. Curried Chicken Salad with Figs and Cashews To ensure that the chicken cooks through, start with cold water in step 1 and...
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June 2014 Fig Focus
Everything is better with bacon…and California Figs! Sure to please dad on Father’s Day is a dish that includes bacon…and California Figs, of course! Bacon is more than just a popular side dish; it’s now enjoyed in everything from appetizers to desserts. People don’t just like bacon, they love bacon. Sweet and savory foods often complement each other. Think of...
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May 2014 Fig Focus
Mother’s Day—May 11 Mother’s Day, the second Sunday in May, is a day dedicated to honoring and recognizing the sacrifices and accomplishments of mothers. The top events and things to do on Mother’s Day include treating mom to brunch or dinner and giving flowers (hint, hint). Instead of going out to brunch or dinner, take the time to make a...
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April 2014 Fig Focus
Easter and Passover Easter falls on Sunday, April 20 this year. California Dried Figs enjoy great popularity this time of year because they work so well and taste so good in many Easter and Passover recipes. Did you know that Palm Sunday is also known as Fig Sunday? Tradition has it that after Christ’s entry into Jerusalem, he came upon...
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March 2014 Fig Focus
Spring is in the Air In 2014, spring begins with the vernal equinox on March 20 at 12:57 P.M. EDT. The word equinox is derived from Latin words meaning, “equal night.” Days and nights are about equal everywhere and the sun rises and sets due east and west. Ah, spring! This season brings increasing daylight, warming temperatures, and salads to...
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February 2014 Fig Focus
Going Green is Going Strong for Valley Fig Growers The solar panels we recently installed are doing a great job—see for yourself using our Valley Fig Growers Green Link. So far the total energy we’ve generated equals: 37 tons of CO2 saved 4,182 gallons of gas saved 294 60 watt bulbs for 1 year of 8hr/day use The total CO2...
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January 2014 Fig Focus
Figs Take Foods From Good to Great in 2014 It’s always fun to see what trends are predicted for the coming year, and how they embrace figs. This year we spotted several. One healthy trend predicts that “bars” will be popular. Not your common cookie bars, these bars include breakfast bars, energy bars, whole grain snack bars, super food bars...
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December 2013 Fig Focus
Cookies Make the Season Bright! When we think of baking during the holidays, we often think of cookies. We give them as gifts, exchange them with friends, and bake them with children. Two of our classic favorites, Chewy Ginger Molasses Fig Cookies and Chocolate Fig Crinkles, celebrate the season with style and tradition. Made with Blue Ribbon Orchard Choice and...
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