Fall for Baking Szn
Fall for Baking Szn with us! For the second year, we’ve teamed up with our friends: C&H Sugar, Danish Creamery, Red Star Yeast, and Rodelle Vanilla on inspiration for all your fall baking. We focused on recipes that include our Sun-Maid Golden Figs, or you could use Orchard Choice Golden Figs. This fig variety has a subtly nutty flavor that’s...
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Baked Apple Cider Donuts with Figs
When the fall approaches, with it come car trips to go apple-picking and perhaps sip on freshly mulled apple cider or indulge in apple cider donuts. We are all for fun traditions, but wondered if there’s a way to bring that orchard experience home for a cozy breakfast and perhaps even make those donuts healthier. A healthy baked donut recipe?...
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