Are Figs Vegan?
With a New Year comes a new start and for many that means trying to eat healthier. Some even call January, Veganuary, a month dedicated to eating more vegetables, fruits, and plant-based foods, but are figs vegan? Read on to find out more about vegan figs. If you’ve done a search online you may think you know the answer, but...
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WFPB Nutrition: Dried Figs, Plant Based Fiber Superstar
California dried figs are a plant-based fiber superstar with a unique set of qualities that have earned them a high ranking in WFPB (whole food plant based) eating and plant-based pantries, including my own. This plump teardrop of a fruit houses a rich array of essential nutrients, including protein, fiber, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and phytochemicals benefits that contribute to optimal...
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