Fig lovers, figs are in the news and we’ve pulled together a resource list full of news you can use to better understand the incredible edible fig. We will keep adding to this list with facts and details, so check back often.

The Best Foods for Men Awards 2022
Dietitians dish on their favorite finds to Men’s Health Magazine and best spends that “contain the things you should always have on hand to feed your body best.”

What is a Fig? Plus, How to Eat Figs
There’s a reason why figs have been eaten for centuries—they’re delicious and healthy! Here’s everything you need to know about figs, from how to enjoy them to their health benefits.
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How to Grow Figs in a Cold Climate
If you live in a cold climate, take heart, you too can grow figs. A new book by Lee Reich entitled, “Growing Figs in Cold Climates: A Complete Guide” describes how.
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Can You Freeze Fresh Figs
You may know that you can freeze dried figs (we like to chop them up, halve, or quarter them to throw into our smoothies in place of ice—they help bring the chill), but ever wonder about fresh figs?
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