American flag cake photo
June Fig Focus Newsletter
Do you plan an epic cookout for friends and family? Do you pack a big cooler to camp out early for a good spot to view the fireworks bursting overhead once the sun sets? As Independence Day arrives, we are bringing all kinds of red, white, and black mission ideas for your Fourth of July festivities.  Sun-Maid and Orchard Choice Figs are a taste of...
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Veggie Fig Kebabs on a grey plate with brown rice
Summer Vegan Recipes for Dinner with Figs
Hot summer days need a different kind of approach to dinner. Summer vegan recipes for dinner should be quick, light, big on flavor, and oven-optional. You’ll love how figs make summer vegan dinner recipes sizzle! Here are some ideas for how to incorporate them into foods you’ll love throughout the season. By focusing on sauces and marinades for summer vegan...
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chicken wings on a white plate
Jam on, Summer Foods
Is there anything fig jam can’t do? Recently, we teamed up with Jackie’s Jams on a fun collaboration intended to show a few ways to invite figs into summer bites and sips featuring streusel bars with fig jam and glazed chicken wings. The key ingredient to their Fig Jam and Balsamic Fig Jam are our California-grown Mission Figs. You can...
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Mediterranean diet plate | printable Mediterranean shopping list
Mediterranean Diet Food List
If you are trying to eat healthy, chances are high that you’ve heard of a popular eating style, based on the traditional Mediterranean diet. But, you don’t have to live around the Mediterranean to adhere to it. Reasons for following the Mediterranean diet vary, and often, part of trying to make healthier choices. Let’s dive into the foods that are part...
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pub burgers on a wooden trivet
May Fig Focus Newsletter
Memorable Ideas for Memorial Day Planning on gathering with friends and family this weekend? We’ve pulled together delicious dishes and categorized for you. Find ideas for appetizers, salads, burgers, and desserts with Sun-Maid and Orchard Choice Figs. Appetizers Burgers Side Dishes Sweet Things...
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pumpkin hummus
Mediterranean Diet Foods – What to Eat
It’s never too late to start eating well and many turn to the Mediterranean Diet as a guide. But what do you know about Mediterranean diet foods? Healthy Mediterranean food is only part of the answer. One reason it’s a popular eating style is because of heart health and is recommended by the American Heart Association with many write-ups by...
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buckwheat fig and rye bread
Mediterranean Diet Bread
Think practicing the Mediterranean Diet means bread is off the menu? Not so fast. Learn about what you need to look for in Mediterranean Diet bread and discover the best bread for Mediterranean Diet, including recipes to make your own. The Mediterranean Diet is year-over-year the number one diet. If you were to look at the Mediterranean Diet pyramid, you’ll...
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Fig apple nachos
Mediterranean Diet Snacks
Eating on the Mediterranean diet, snacks are welcome. Sometimes, they verge on mini-meals and other times, they tend to be a sweeter treat, made with refined sugar-free options. This is where dried figs come in. Naturally sweet, the sugar in dried figs mean you can use less alternate sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or coconut sugar. A healthy snack based...
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Balsamic fig jam grilled cheese on a white plate with a description
April Fig Focus
Making Grilled Cheese Day Great Monday is a big deal in much of the U.S. where a lucky few (and the thousands who have traveled by bus, plane, train, and automobile) will be thrust into the totality of a solar eclipse for 3 minutes. Others will glimpse it partially. Another big deal day is happening next Friday: National Grilled Cheese...
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fig maamoul graphic
March Fig Focus
Figs are an essential ingredient in so many cultures. Start the spring holidays, baking traditional breads with the twist of Sun-Maid and Orchard Choice Mission Figs and Golden Figs. You’ll find ideas for St. Patrick’s Day, Purim, Easter, and Ramadan below.  Sun-Maid + Orchard Choice Figs Ready-to-use fig ingredients for all your baking needs.___________...
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Are fig bars healthy - a stack of fig bars on a square of parchment on a white surface
Are Fig Bars Healthy
It’s National Nutrition Month and we wanted to demystify your questions about foods with dried figs in them. Today, we’re tackling the question: are fig bars healthy and its cousin, are fig rolls healthy. Fig rolls and bars are the quintessential cookie from childhood. They’re made with cookie dough that bakes up soft and enfolds the figgy filling in the...
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sourdough sandwich loaf on cutting board, sliced
February Fig Focus
Bread Baking with Figs— Sun-Maid and Orchard Choice California Figs —_________________________ Is there anything better on the weekends than a baking project of fresh homemade bread, especially with Sun-Maid and Orchard Choice Figs. Mission Figs add the familiar fig taste while Golden Figs bring a more subtle fruit flavor and sweetness. Try them in loaves baked with a slight savory note...
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