Orange Recipes: Why Citrus and Figs Go So Well Together
During winter, citrus is at its peak. Orange, lemons, and lime with figs might be the equivalent of basil to tomatoes. Here’s why, including orange recipes with figs or featuring other citrus fruits. Sometimes recipes call for a cook to “season to taste.” Unless, it stipulates a particular ingredient, this is a nod to taste your food and see if...
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How to Prepare Figs: De-Stem
In our dried figs basics, we share techniques for how to cook, bake, and prep your favorite Sun-Maid and Orchard Choice California Dried Figs. Today, we’re going to look at how to prepare figs by de-stemming them. How to De-Stem Figs Sometimes you will see a recipe call for figs to be “stemmed” or ask you to de-stem the figs....
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Fresh Fig Recipes
There is nothing quite like a fresh fig. And while the season is short, every year we make the most of it, eating them plucked off the tree or using them for cooking and baking to maximize their short lifespan and availability window, knowing that we can rely on Sun-Maid and Orchard Choice Dried Figs, available year-round. Because fresh figs...
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Black Figs and White Figs: Learn More
What do you know about black figs and white figs? Learn more about the differences between fig varieties and how California-grown dried figs including black Mission dried figs are preferred over Turkish figs. Premium Dried Figs from California In the lush, fertile Central Valley of California, fig orchards are so plentiful that Fresno, California is known as the Fig Capital...
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How to Rehydrate Dried Figs
Dried figs ensure that your favorite fruit is available year round. They’re great as is, but sometimes you want a softer texture or perhaps infusing aromatics into the fruit. But, how to rehydrate dried figs? And is that the same thing as poaching figs? Learn more below. How to Rehydrate Dried Figs The first thing to know is that the...
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Figs in the News
Fig lovers, figs are in the news and we’ve pulled together a resource list full of news you can use to better understand the incredible edible fig. We will keep adding to this list with facts and details, so check back often. The Best Foods for Men Awards 2022 Dietitians dish on their favorite finds to Men’s Health Magazine and...
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Rehydrating Dried Figs
On your pantry shelf at home, those California Dried Figs are many things—snack or an ingredient for baking or cooking…or the catalyst to make fig vodka. Have you ever thought about rehydrating dried figs? When you rehydrate figs, you not only plump up the harvest-picked fruit, but introduce flavor in a deeper way. Here’s how to rehydrate dried figs. Fig...
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What is the White Powder on Dried Figs
If you’ve ever wondered, what is the white powder on your Orchard Choice or Sun-Maid California Dried Figs, you might think it’s mold, but more likely, it’s actually naturally occurring fruit sugar crystals. This common occurrence is called sugaring on figs. The process sometimes happens in exceptionally sweet dried figs. It happens when the natural fruit sugars crystallize on the...
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