Mediterranean Diet

morroccan fish couscous packets with figs in chermoula spice

If you consider all of the eating styles around the world, you’ve probably heard of or perhaps even participate in the Mediterranean diet. And, for good reason. This eating style is recommended by RDs and nutritionists and centers on whole foods. Learn more about it and find Mediterranean diet breakfast recipes and ideas for every meal of the day below.

What is the Mediterranean Diet?

Greek Panzanella Bread Salad with Dried Figs

Simply put the term describes the eating model traditional to people in countries surrounding the Mediterranean. Ancel Keys of the University of Minnesota School of Power first coined that term in describing how this particular method of eating positively impacted cardiovascular health. In fact, the AHA writes about its benefits as does the Mayo Clinic.

cinnamon fig overnight oats - mediterranean diet breakfast recipes

It is comprised of fruits and vegetables at its core with whole grains, legumes, nuts, olive oil, herbs and spices, healthy proteins like fish and seafood with moderate enjoyment of chicken, eggs, and dairy foods, and infrequent consumption of red meat and sweet foods. You could say that before it was trendy to eat mostly plant-based, this eating style had that market cornered. One of the best resources is the Mediterranean Diet Pyramid and resources from Oldways, a food and nutrition nonprofit charting cultural food traditions.

Smoked Salmon Pickled Fig Lavash

Figs in the Mediterranean Diet

It probably comes as no surprise that figs, with their deep roots in Mediterranean terrain and culture, are an essential ingredient in the Mediterranean. Dried Figs boast a number of health benefits especially in the areas of fiber, calcium, potassium, and micro-nutrients too. We’ve written about those extensively in our health and nutrition section where you can learn more about each kind of benefit, as written about by registered dietitians and nutritionists.

Recipes + Ideas to Get Started with the Mediterranean Diet

chia seed pudding with figs - mediterranean diet breakfast recipes

—Mediterranean Diet Breakfast Recipes—

For More Ideas: EatingWell, Prevention, Mediterranean Dish

Warm Lentil Salad with Beets + Balsamic Figs

—Mediterranean Diet Lunch Recipes—

For More Ideas: EatingWell, Greatist

morroccan fish couscous packets with figs in chermoula spice

—Mediterranean Diet Dinner Recipes—

For More Ideas: EatingWell, Pure Wow

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